Giving exporters a voice and expanding Nigeria's global trade footprint
PhotoNews of select events attended by ANE representatives.
Shri Narendra, Modi and Joseph Idiong, DG - ANE @ Vibrant Gujarat
Amb. Andrew Young (middle) welcomed Prince Joseph Idiong (R) the DG, Association of Nigerian Exporters (ANE) & Pst Akpan J. Esenyie (L) the ANE USA Rep to his Good Works Intl Hqtrs in Atlanta on May 12, 2010.
Trade delegation led by Prince Joseph Idiong(R) DG, ANE to the Idian High Commisiion, Abuja.
Prof Abubakar Suleiman(L) DG, National Inst for Legislative & Democratic Studies (NILDS) welcomed Prince Joseph Idiong(R) DG, ANE to AfCFTA Workshop organized by NILDS & European Commission(EC) in Abuja, 21st Feb 2024.
ANE stand @ vibrant Gujarat